اخر الاخبار

الجمعة، 30 أبريل 2010

TrafficG Lesson 1 - Setting Up Your Sites

Hi Sahar,

Your TrafficG details

Username: saharhsan
Password: 77777777

1. Setting up your first site
2. Modifying / Deleting Sites

TrafficG Lesson 1 - Setting Up Your Sites.

1. Login to the TrafficG members area,

Here is a link to the TrafficG login page or click the "Member Login" link on the TrafficG homepage.

<A HREF="http://trafficg.com/login.php?member=saharhsan"> AOL Click Here </a>

2. Next click the "Add a Site" link/tab, this will take you to the page where you can add sites to your TrafficG account.

3. Fill in the (Website Name:) this should be the title of your site, example "MicroSoft"

4. (URL:) Fill in the URL box, this can be your personal website or the URL of an affiliate program you are promoting, example http://www.microsoft.com

NOTE: Remember to include http:// at the start of your URL, your URL will not work without it.

5. (Description:) Your description should be 60 to 255 characters in length and try and make it interesting and descriptive.

Example: "TrafficG.com - The best site on the net for free website promotion, free traffic and cheap affordable advertising solutions, give your website the traffic it deserves...Today!"

6. (Category:) This is the directory category your site will be listed in, pick the category that best describes your site.

7. Press the "Add this Site!" button to save your site details and return to the main statistics page, if you have more than one site repeat the process, you can have as many sites listed as you wish.

Sub Lesson Modifying / Deleting Sites

You can alter or delete your site details by clicking on the "Title" of your site from the main statistics/assign credits page in the members area.

Peter Kelly
http://TrafficG.com -- Website Promotion
http://eBannerTraffic.com -- Banner Exchange
http://BlogClicker.com -- Blog Promotion
http://WebmasterQuest.com -- Website Promotion
http://Adsvert.com -- Targeted Text Ads
http://All4Hosting.com -- Web Hosting
http://All4Webs.com -- Free Websites
http://FreeRotator.com -- Website Tools
http://OBOads.com -- Cool Classified Adverts
http://EternalHits.com -- Website Promotion

You are receiving this email because you are a member of TrafficG.com, you can alter your email preferences in the TrafficG members area.


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