لايهمني اسمك لا يهمني عنوانك لا يهمني لونك ولا ولادك ومكانك يهمني الانسان ولو ما لوش عنوان يا ناس يا ناس هي دي الحدوته حدوته مصرية
اخر الاخبار
الجمعة، 29 سبتمبر 2017
My name is Tasha, what's your name?
I see you sometimes visit this website...
I was going to talk to you in chat, but unfortunately you had left already.
Maybe you could get online more often to talk to me in private and know each other better.
Do you have yahoo or hotmail ID? Please, write me there � I will be waiting for your letter.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
My email velriemailu1976@rambler.ru
Warm regards,
الثلاثاء، 26 سبتمبر 2017
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السبت، 23 سبتمبر 2017
I Need Your Help For Investment
A compliment of the day to you, My name is Mary Joshua, I am 21 years old from Ivory Coast. Please I am using this medium to ask for your co-operation to help me invest in your country.
I have a substantial concealed capital, honorably inherited from my late Parents, which I intend investing in any lucrative business venture of our choice, for the mutual benefits of both of us.However I will like to invest in are of investment like mention below.
2).The transport Industry
3).Five Star Hotel
5).Real Estate
I shall be glad to reserve this respect and opportunity for you, if you so desire while I continue my education there. The amount will be made known to you and back up with the legal papers as soon as I receive your positive response regarding the investment plans.
Thank you so much for your understanding and May almighty God bless you and your Family to the Glory of God Almighty,
Sincere regards,
Miss.Mary Joshua
الأربعاء، 20 سبتمبر 2017
Investment Press Release to sahar.hsan.alsahar@blogger.com
Investment Corporation of Dubai is a principal investment arm of the Government of Dubai. The firm seeks to manage the Government of Dubai's portfolio in commercial companies and investments across strategic sectors including financial services, transportation, energy and industrial, real estate and leisure, retail, and other holdings. It prefers to invest locally and internationally. Investment Corporation of Dubai was formed in May 2006 and is based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and this Press Release can be found in Bloomberg.
With over $9 Billion Dollars in portfolio management and with HSBC as the financial adviser, H.E Mohammed A. Ibrahim Al Shaibani Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director of Investment Corporation of Dubai has accredited me and sought my services to contact you for more possible investment business discussions bordering on financing after a tip off concerning your investment project.
Awaiting your feedback.
Best Regards.
Jamal Al-Raqabah
Al-Raqabah Finance Brokers
P.O. Box 333888
Dubai International financial Center -DIFC
Gate Village 7 6th Floor Dubai
United Arab Emirates.
الثلاثاء، 19 سبتمبر 2017
TrafficG Statistics
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الخميس، 14 سبتمبر 2017
Attendees List of yummex Middle East 2017
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Thank you and look forward to hear from you.
Thanks & Regards,
Susan Martin
Marketing Manager
Unsubscribe | Reconfirm
الثلاثاء، 12 سبتمبر 2017
TrafficG Statistics
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