اخر الاخبار

الثلاثاء، 24 يناير 2012

New Down-line Builder Feature

Hello sahar,

A big hello to everybody :-)

Surf Now http://TrafficG.com/supersurf.php?member=saharhsan

Upgrades from as little as $4.66 and traffic packages from just $6
Login to your TrafficG Account. http://www.TrafficG.com
Username : saharhsan
Password : 77777777
Email : sahar.hsan.alsahar@blogger.com

This is just a quick email to let you know about a great new
feature we have just implemented at TrafficG. This new feature
is a mini down line builder and it allows you to promote all
the TrafficG partner sites. I will list all the sites below
and give you a bit of info about each one.

You can join them by using the links found on the menu at
TrafficG.com, and you can put your add your usernames to the builder
by clicking on the "down-line builder" link found in the TrafficG
members area.

All the sites are FREE to join.

WebmasterQuest.com -- 1:1 Traffic Exchange
WebmasterQuest is a premium quality 1:1 Traffic Exchange offering a
5 Level referral program with instant rewards and ongoing referral
bonuses, including monthly referral contest

Adsvert.com -- Targeted Text Ads
Adsvert allows you to earn free text ads while promoting your sites
and affiliate programes, it also has a 5 level referral program
with instant rewards and ongoing referral bonuses. Its a great site.

All4Webs.com -- Free Web sites
All4Webs allows to quickly create free web pages, its great for making
everything from splash pages to full web sites, and the referral
program pays out 25% of any upgrade fees.

All4Hosting.com -- Web Hosting
All4Hosting offers full featured web site hosting on enterprise class
servers. The servers are not over crowded and you can currently have
unlimited hosting for just $5. The affiliate program is free to join
and pays out 25% of the hosting fee's

FreeRotator.com -- Web site Tools
FreeRotator offers many types of free web site rotators, members can
also upgrade and access other webmaster tools, the referral program
pays out up to 25% of any upgrade fees.

OBOads.com -- Cool Classified Adverts
OBOads allows you to list free classified ads of various types, it
can be used for free or members can upgrade and feature their ads in
the OBOads directory, or list more ads or picture ads. The referral
program pays out up to 30% of all fee's

BlogClicker.com -- Blog Promotion
BlogClicker is a free 1:1 traffic exchange that is dedicated to blog
sites only. BlogClicker offers a 5 Level referral program with instant
rewards and ongoing referral bonuses, including monthly referral contest

eBannerTraffic.com -- Banner Exchange
eBannerTraffic banner exchange program allows you to put your banner
ads on other peoples sites and you put their banners on your sites.
The referral program offers 500 impressions per referral and ongoing
per impression bonuses.

Peter Kelly
http://TrafficG.com -- Web site Promotion
http://eBannerTraffic.com -- Banner Exchange
http://BlogClicker.com -- Blog Promotion
http://WebmasterQuest.com -- Web site Promotion
http://Adsvert.com -- Targeted Text Ads
http://All4Hosting.com -- Web Hosting
http://All4Webs.com -- Free Web sites
http://FreeRotator.com -- Web site Tools
http://OBOads.com -- Cool Classified Adverts
http://EternalHits.com -- Web site Promotion

Changing Your Email Preferences
As a TrafficG.com member you choose to receive occasional promotions and member updates.
To update your setting go to the Options / Preferences page in the TrafficG members area.

To delete your TrafficG account visit -- http://TrafficG.com/cancel_account.php

الاثنين، 23 يناير 2012

Please confirm your request to join sohbanet

Hello sahar.hsan.alsahar@blogger.com,

We have received your request to join the sohbanet
group hosted by Yahoo! Groups, a free, easy-to-use community service.

This request will expire in 7 days.


1) Go to the Yahoo! Groups site by clicking on this link:

(If clicking doesn't work, "Cut" and "Paste" the line above into your
Web browser's address bar.)


2) REPLY to this email by clicking "Reply" and then "Send"
in your email program

If you did not request, or do not want, a membership in the
sohbanet group, please accept our apologies
and ignore this message.


Yahoo! Groups Customer Care

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/

السبت، 14 يناير 2012

الأحد، 1 يناير 2012

Happy New Year Mate

Hi sahar,

Happy New Year and thank you for being a TrafficG.com member :-)

I hope this new year will be very productive and rewarding for all our members.

Upgrades from as little as $4.66 and traffic packages from just $6
Login to your TrafficG Account. http://www.TrafficG.com
Username : saharhsan
Password : 77777777
Email : sahar.hsan.alsahar@blogger.com

Have a Great New Year
Peter Kelly
http://TrafficG.com -- Web site Promotion
http://eBannerTraffic.com -- Banner Exchange
http://BlogClicker.com -- Blog Promotion
http://WebmasterQuest.com -- Web site Promotion
http://Adsvert.com -- Targeted Text Ads
http://All4Hosting.com -- Web Hosting
http://All4Webs.com -- Free Web sites
http://FreeRotator.com -- Web site Tools
http://OBOads.com -- Cool Classified Adverts
http://EternalHits.com -- Web site Promotion

Changing Your Email Preferences
As a TrafficG.com member you choose to receive occasional promotions and member updates.
To update your setting go to the Options / Preferences page in the TrafficG members area.

To delete your TrafficG account visit -- http://TrafficG.com/cancel_account.php

الأربعاء، 14 ديسمبر 2011

Surf Today Win Tomorrow

Hello sahar,

A big hello to all of our TrafficG members from all over the great big world!
Bonjour, Hola, Olá, Salve, Guten Tag, Ahalan

Surf Today Win Tomorrow
Surf more than five sites today and you could win up to 5000 credits tomorrow.

It's as simple as that ..

All you have to do to claim your prize is click on the surf bar the next
day and if you see your username displayed, click on it to instantly claim
your credits.

Each day at midnight GMT we will randomly select ten members who surfed that
day, this means you have a chance of winning up to 5000 credits every single
day you surf, how cool is that. ;-)

Thank you for surfing TrafficG and making it the best for nearly 12 years :-)

Surf TrafficG Now http://www.TrafficG.com/supersurf.php?member=saharhsan

Google Translate
In a recent email we told you about the new non-english sites feature at TrafficG,
we feel this feature is so important we needed to mention it again now.
The launch of the new surf system has been an amazing success and now contains
over 1200 fully active non-english sites and it's growing steadily each day.

To make it easier for non-english users and to make non-english promotion easier
we have now added Google Translate to all of our web pages.

Upgrades from as little as $4.66 and traffic packages from just $6
Login to your TrafficG Account. http://www.TrafficG.com
Username : saharhsan
Password : 77777777
Email : sahar.hsan.alsahar@blogger.com

Referral Contest
Congratulations to rivaal, preetyjeni and carrmedia who won
last months referral contest. This months contest is still
wide open and anyone could win, this months prizes are :-

5000 Visitor Credits
5000 banner Impressions
(Value $55.00)

3000 Visitor Credits
3000 banner Impressions
(Value $36.60)

2000 Visitor Credits
2000 banner Impressions
(Value $28)

Have a Great Christmas & New Year
Peter Kelly
http://TrafficG.com -- Web site Promotion
http://eBannerTraffic.com -- Banner Exchange
http://BlogClicker.com -- Blog Promotion
http://WebmasterQuest.com -- Web site Promotion
http://Adsvert.com -- Targeted Text Ads
http://All4Hosting.com -- Web Hosting
http://All4Webs.com -- Free Web sites
http://FreeRotator.com -- Web site Tools
http://OBOads.com -- Cool Classified Adverts
http://EternalHits.com -- Web site Promotion

Changing Your Email Preferences
As a TrafficG.com member you choose to receive occasional promotions and member updates.
To update your setting go to the Options / Preferences page in the TrafficG members area.

To delete your TrafficG account visit -- http://TrafficG.com/cancel_account.php

الثلاثاء، 13 ديسمبر 2011

Please confirm your request to join sohbanet

Hello sahar.hsan.alsahar@blogger.com,

We have received your request to join the sohbanet
group hosted by Yahoo! Groups, a free, easy-to-use community service.

This request will expire in 7 days.


1) Go to the Yahoo! Groups site by clicking on this link:

(If clicking doesn't work, "Cut" and "Paste" the line above into your
Web browser's address bar.)


2) REPLY to this email by clicking "Reply" and then "Send"
in your email program

If you did not request, or do not want, a membership in the
sohbanet group, please accept our apologies
and ignore this message.


Yahoo! Groups Customer Care

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/

الجمعة، 9 ديسمبر 2011

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