اخر الاخبار

الأربعاء، 14 أكتوبر 2020

RE: 10 Leads and Scheduled appointments at 1k

Did you get my previous emails?

Proposal 1:10 Leads generated from email marketing to your target audience at $1,000
Proposal 2:10 Scheduled appointments from Tele calling to your target audience at $1,500

We have targeted database from your industry and we just need your service/sales pitch, we will create an email pitch and tele calling script. Share with you before we start sending that to your target audience to generate Leads or queries.

Please reply to this email if wish to know more about this Lead generation. Also if you can share your target audience details like titles/industry/location or type of audience you target for your business.


Emma Johnson
Lead generation Team
Email Marketing Inc


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