اخر الاخبار

الأربعاء، 21 مارس 2012

Your unclaimed credits

Hello sahar,

I'm really sad :-(

Do you know that over 2.5 MILLION credits have gone unclaimed in the
last 3 months at TrafficG. Personally I find its really amazing how
so many members missed out on the chance to claim so many credits.

I've promoted many sites over the last 13 years of working online and
I know that EVERY SINGLE VISITOR COUNTS, and no way would I miss the
opportunity to get up to 5000 credits for doing almost nothing.

It really upsets me knowing how those visitors could have significantly
changed a persons whole future and for some that opportunity, that chance
of Internet success could now be missed and gone forever.

Cheap Affordable Advertising at TrafficG

On a more positive note I want to congratulate all the members that
did have the savvy to claim their credits. I cannot list every member
but I would like to list a few.

So a big congratulations to members pete52jr, Jam5444q, and Hagen1956
who have all claimed 12,000 FREE credits each, all they did was login
and click on their username. (Yes it was that easy)

I would also like to congratulate member "leshon", he received 3000 FREE
credits on Tuesday, good for you mate, nice :-)

I could name many more members that also claimed their FREE credits but
the list is very long, too long for this email.

If you want to join in then all you have to do is start the surf bar the
day after you have surfed (the link is below) its that easy.

Surf today win tomorrow.

Upgrades from as little as $4.66 and traffic packages from just $6
Login to your TrafficG Account. http://www.TrafficG.com
Username : saharhsan
Password : 77777777
Email : sahar.hsan.alsahar@blogger.com

Peter Kelly
http://TrafficG.com -- Web site Promotion
http://eBannerTraffic.com -- Banner Exchange
http://BlogClicker.com -- Blog Promotion
http://WebmasterQuest.com -- Web site Promotion
http://Adsvert.com -- Targeted Text Ads
http://All4Hosting.com -- Web Hosting
http://All4Webs.com -- Free Web sites
http://FreeRotator.com -- Web site Tools
http://OBOads.com -- Cool Classified Adverts
http://EternalHits.com -- Web site Promotion

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As a TrafficG.com member you choose to receive occasional promotions and member updates.
To update your setting go to the Options / Preferences page in the TrafficG members area.

To delete your TrafficG account visit -- http://TrafficG.com/cancel_account.php

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