اخر الاخبار

الجمعة، 11 نوفمبر 2011

TrafficG - Better Than 1:1 Hits

Hi sahar,

A big hello to everybody :-)

* Better Than 1:1 Hits
* Login to TrafficG
* Non-English sites

A lot of people ask how much traffic can I get from using TrafficG?

At its heart TrafficG is a one to one (1:1) traffic exchange, this
means for each site you view your site gets a visitor back in return.

However TrafficG goes one better by giving members up to an
extra 10% more traffic on top of that making us a 1.1:1 exchange.
We feel this gives members a lot of extra advertising power
especially when combined with TrafficG's 20 second surf timer.

That means you can earn 3.3 credits per minute, that's a over
72 thousand visitors per year for just one hour of your time each
day, or nearly 220 thousand if you are a gold or corporate
upgraded member, WOW that's an amazing amount of extra traffic
to your site.

Surf TrafficG http://www.TrafficG.com/supersurf.php?member=saharhsan

Upgrades from as little as $4.66 and traffic packages from just $6
Login to your TrafficG Account. http://www.TrafficG.com
Username : saharhsan
Password : 77777777
Email : sahar.hsan.alsahar@blogger.com

Non-English Sites :-)

So far the introduction of non-english sites to TrafficG has been
an amazing success, we now support 27 languages and 17 of those
languages are now fully active and growing fast.

(That's a lot of new active sites and members)

This new addition to TrafficG opens up a whole world of new possibilities
and referral potential, based of current Internet statistics over 66% of
current Internet users are NOT English, and this percentage is only going
to get much much bigger.

Want a big active downline?, easy just think non-english.

Your referral URL is:- http://TrafficG.com/?member=saharhsan

Peter Kelly
http://TrafficG.com -- Website Promotion
http://eBannerTraffic.com -- Banner Exchange
http://BlogClicker.com -- Blog Promotion
http://WebmasterQuest.com -- Website Promotion
http://Adsvert.com -- Targeted Text Ads
http://All4Hosting.com -- Web Hosting
http://All4Webs.com -- Free Websites
http://FreeRotator.com -- Website Tools
http://OBOads.com -- Cool Classified Adverts
http://EternalHits.com -- Website Promotion

Changing Your Email Preferences
As a TrafficG.com member you choose to receive occasional promotions and member updates.
To update your setting go to the Options / Preferences page in the TrafficG members area.

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